There are several reasons why a blogger would want their blog to gain popularity and become more successful. The more visitors you have to your blog, the more exposure for your product, business or brand. On a similar note, the more visitors your blog gets, the easier it is to monetize and profit from your blog. Typically, it can take years for a blog to become successful, and you should be able to recognize when it has happened. There are certain signs that prove your blog is already a success – or quickly becoming successful. Below are 7key signs your blog is heading in the right direction:

1.Your Blog is Being Syndicated

If online magazines or publications are re-publishing your blog’s content, that means you’ve been syndicated. This is an incredible nod of approval, showing you that your blog is good enough to be syndicated. Only very good quality content is syndicated by other media outlets. When other publications syndicate your content, they should ask your permission first. When they ask, make sure you say “yes” and don’t forget to instruct them to include a backlink to your blog in the post when they re-publish your content. Don’t let anyone syndicate content from your blog without including at least one follow link that directs visitors to your blog.

  1. Visitors Are Clicking the “Subscribe” Button

If visitors are subscribing to your blog by clicking your “subscribe” button and entering their e-mail address, that’s a great sign that visitors are loving your content. Typically, a visitor will only subscribe if they found the content they read valuable, and they want more of it. Most people don’t actually subscribe, so if you’re getting notifications that a few people are subscribing each day, that’s a great sign that your blog is becoming successful.

  1. Your Traffic Is Showing a Steady Increase

On Google Analytics, you can compare this month’s traffic with last month’s traffic, or this year’s traffic with last year’s traffic. If you’re seeing a steady increase, that’s a sign your blog is headed for success. One of the most common ways bloggers track their success is through the number of people visiting their blog per day and per month. A high number will result in more paid ad opportunities. If, for example, your traffic is getting so high that it’s about to exceed the traffic limit on your shared hosting plan, you know you’re doing something right. If you have to upgrade to a hosting plan that allows higher traffic, that’s a great sign.

  1. You’ve Found a Way to Get Shout-Outs from Influencers

Getting a social media influencer or a public figure to shout-out your blog is one of the best ways to skyrocket your blog’s success. If you’ve figured out a way to consistently get influencers to give your blog a shout-out, that’s a sign that you’re definitely on the right track. One of the best ways to get influencers to talk about your blog is to interview them. They’ll mention the name of your blog if they want their followers to read the interview.

  1. Brands Are Inquiring About Sponsored Posts

A sure sign your blog is becoming successful is if brands are starting to reach out to you, asking you for your rate sheet. Your rate sheet includes your prices for sponsored posts that advertise brands. This is a definite sign that your blog is becoming successful, because brands are typically quite picky about which blogs they want to advertise themselves on. If they’ve chosen your blog, it’s for a reason, and you should be quite proud.

  1. Other Websites are Backlinking to Your Blog

When authors and editors at other publications write content, they sometimes backlink to a source they found helpful while writing their post. If other authors are backlinking to your blog, that’s a very good sign that your blog is doing well. Not only does this prove your blog must have good quality content, but the backlinks themselves add to your blog’s success by increasing your blog’s Domain Authority.

  1. Readers Are Leaving Comments

Comments are another sign of a blog’s success. Most readers don’t comment on a blog post they’ve read – even if they loved it. So, if random visitors to your blog (not your friends or family members) are actually leaving a positive comment, that’s a sign of success.