Okay, so you’ve built a loyal audience, and you’re exponentially growing, now what?

It’s time to start monetizing your blog to get compensated for all the hard work you’ve put into it. The first thing you need to do is make sure that all the people who enter the blog, are staying on it for a long time.

After this, you probably will have to do some things to revenue from writing those blog posts. It’s not like we’re greedy, but we want to get paid for doing something we love and putting so much effort into it.

Being a blogger isn’t an easy job. We need to produce creative content, manage our social media pages to promote our blog, properly market our website, and choose the right deals with sponsors to earn a little extra money.


Usually, when readers encounter a poorly designed site, they get bored and exit the site right away. The Story Web Design & Marketing states that a website that marries engaging and persuasive copywriting with a lovely web design can see outstanding results from their marketing. 

What does this mean? Well, basically, in order to obtain loyal readers, you should subscribe them to a database that sends them regular emails about your website. And those emails should be persuasive, so people lean on opening the site. 


Copywriting should not be confused with marketing. Copywriting is a style of writing that persuades people to do something you want them to do.

For example, if you’re trying to sell a product through an email, you shouldn’t start the email with “please buy my product.” You should always state the benefit for the customer if they buy your product.


A blog can benefit from this service because we won’t send our readers junk emails. Instead, they will receive emails where we point out the benefit of this product.

For example, if you have a makeup blog, people can benefit from this by learning how to apply makeup. Copywriting is a win-win situation– our audience gets something out of our posts while we monetize those reads.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing took over as the most effective means of advertising. People are most likely to check their social media pages than to sit in front of the TV and watch the commercials.


Nowadays, there are many social media platforms that you can post on, but some forms work better than others depending on what you’re advertising.

There are core social media platforms like YouTube or Facebook, where we can find people who enjoy a similar niche to ours. We also have social apps like Snapchat or Instagram, which are more dedicated to promoting photos, makeup looks, or visual content. 

Besides those, we also have social bookmarking like Pinterest, where we can share things we do ourselves and market it to other people. 

Always try to focus your efforts on one platform at a time; those who overreach are at a greater risk of failure. Slow and steady wins the race.


To get the most out of the social media platform, you should run targeted campaigns and do sponsored posts. These types of campaigns let you choose on the platform who do you want to reach.

It’s customizable, so you can choose which age group gets the post, what kind of interest you’re looking for, and even their gender! This all depends on the type of product you’re looking to sell or promote.

Sponsored content and targeting the audience will ensure that your content reaches more people beyond your typical audience, and most people notice outstanding growth out of these campaigns.


The essential part of blogging is consistency. We need to post daily or every other day to reach more people. If we produce content left and right, it’s more likely that more people read it.

Coca-Cola sold 25 bottles of their drink in the first year of the company, but what does this mean for us? It shows us that with consistency and effort, we can take our website from a few visitors to millions of visitors in a matter of years. 

Be like Coca-Cola, and never give up on your dreams.

Final Thoughts

The magic cocktail for a successful blog is digital marketing, consistency, and a well-designed website with outstanding copywriting and SEO-friendly content. 

If you truly want to make this a career, you have to treat it as a regular nine-to-five job. Work on it consistently and never stop producing content that speaks to your heart.