Life isn’t easy for business owners, but the ones who stick with it do so because they find it rewarding and are able to make at least enough money to get by. Business owners who hate their job and have trouble breaking even aren’t going to last long in this market, or for that matter, in any market. One of the biggest and most annoying things for business owners to deal with is expense management. It’s not enough to just make a good product and hope that people come buy it. You also have to figure out how to account for other associated costs like taxes, data storage, and more.

Efficient, affordable communication

Every business needs a phone. Some places may try to get by with just an email address, but that’s a really risky thing to even attempt. Potential customers will still look for a phone number when they’re trying to find information on a business. A phone call is seen as a more direct, useful way of getting information, especially since people have no idea who is monitoring the company email address. Company email is seen as more hit or miss for the most part. However, a phone number alone won’t be enough to meet your business’ communication needs. As your company grows, your communications infrastructure needs to be able to grow right along with it. You’ll need more cloud space to store more information. As you hire more employees, you may issue them company cell phones. If you want to monitor their usage of those phones, though, that means you’re creating more work for yourself. Not monitoring it all leaves you vulnerable to abusive employees. That’s where solutions for telecom expense management come into play. If you aren’t sure what that is, think of it as a way to view, track, and, well, manage communications expenses for your company.

Tax matters

Business owners have to think about tax issues a lot more than people who aren’t self-employed. That’s because if they don’t think about tax issues, they risk getting on the wrong side of the IRS, their state taxing authority, or both. Most places charge some sort of sales tax. A few states don’t charge sales tax on a state level, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t cities who levy taxes on their own. Unless you have a friend or family member who is willing to be your tax accountant, then you need to hire someone to help you with any tax issues that might arise. The state won’t care if you say you didn’t know you had to charge a sales tax and return some of it to them; it’s your job to know these things before you open your doors and serve your first customer. Using a sales tax calculator is a smart way of determining how much sales tax liability you have based upon the city and state your business is located in and where you make sales. Such information is readily available online, so there’s really no excuse not to be fully informed and prepared to pay the necessary taxes.