Adam Jones Is Not A Fan Of Cincinnati’s Signature Chili

Skyline Chili is the signature dish of the city of Cincinnati. The natives swear by the dish that is as iconic in the Queen City as WKRP in Cincinnati. The city just hosted Major League Baseball’s midsummer classic: the All Star Game. So Skyline was about to enter the culinary spotlight among the best in baseball.

Well Adam Jones, Baltimore Orioles All Star, is not a fan:

“Well I know Skyline Chili ain’t as good as it’s advertised. It’s not as good as advertised. I’ll say that to the city of Cincinnati. Skyline Chili is not that good. … The ribs, Montgomery ribs, Montgomery Inn [are] legit. And the city of Cincinnati put on a great show … Everybody here is smiling and happy, that’s what the All-Star Game is about.”

There are a lot of great food options in Cincinnati. And you can like almost all of them. But this is the one dish you have to like, or at least pretend to like so as not to have a whole city mad at you. Disrespecting Skyline Chili is an unforgivable sin in that city. Spaghetti on top of chili is Cincinnati. Not liking that stuff means you just don’t like Cincinnati to some people. And to some people that’s just plain wrong. So Adam had better hope he never gets traded to the Reds or he’s going to have a lot of fence mending to do.

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