Joc Pederson Enjoys His Ice Cream In Helmet Cups

Dodgers stud rookie Joc Pederson hit a home run in the sixth inning of the Dodgers’ battle with the New York Mets. It must have taken a lot out of him, because he fueled up afterwards with a special treat: A helmet cup full of ice cream:

That’s Keith Hernandez you hear saying that he never saw anything like it. First off, it happened earlier this season. Second, Keith used to sneak smokes during a game. At least ice cream is a little bit better than that.

The Dodgers were pummeled by the Mets by a score of 15-2, so I’d be willing to bet that Joc Pederson’s ice cream didn’t have any sprinkles on it. Because sprinkles are for winners.

(Photo of Joc Pederson being chased by Yasiel Puig courtesy of Elsa/Getty Images)

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