Sidney Crosby and Nathan MacKinnon Work The Tim Horton’s Drive Thru

Tim Horton’s, the Canadian doughnut institution, unveiled a new ad campaign with Penguins star Sidney Crosby and Nathan MacKinnon of the Colorado Avalanche. The two players decide to try their hand at working the drive thru at a Tim Horton’s establishment.

There are a whole series of them that you can find here, but I’ll give you my favorite of the bunch: In many of the ads Sid and Nate ask questions of the drive through customers … trivia and otherwise … and they answer them and get free coffee. The question of “who would you rather be stranded on a desert island with” made everybody blush:

Sly dogs, those two.

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We're here to track the delicious and bizarre at sporting events all over the country. It doesn't have to have bacon to be spectacular. But it helps.
