Your 6 year old is growing. Soon, you’re going to be at his or her graduation and wondering where all the time went. Let’s slow everything down for a minute and enjoy the moment. You’ve seen your child’s first steps, witnessed his or her first words, etc. You have done the first day of school. What are the developmental milestones you should be looking forward to when your child is 6 years old?

By the time your child is 6 years old, he or she should be speaking in complete sentences. Naturally, not even us adults speak in complete sentences all the time. It’s about capabilities in communication, however, and your child is going to be thinking and speaking 5-7 word complete sentences quite often.

Your child is also going to be thinking more closely about the meanings of certain words. He or she is going to realize that there are words with more than one meaning. This understanding of language helps with children with their sense of humor. As you can see, communication is a major part of the developmental milestones for a 6 year old. They love to receive gifts and appreciate them more. There are many reputable online gift websites out there such as

Kids also love to sound out words that they might not have tackled yet. And they might attempt to read books that challenge their abilities. You will be looking for your child to be reading books that are for his or her grade level, at minimum.

Kids also start to develop a longer attention span, although that statement probably makes you chuckle a little. We all have shorter attention spans these days, don’t we? The milestone here is that 6 year olds should be able to spend about 15 minutes on an assignment in a classroom setting. In other words, they are able to stay focused and hard at work.

Children around this age also start to understand numbers better. They know the difference between the left hand and the right hand, too. You can also be looking for them to be able to say three numbers backward, such as 9,8,7.

Every child is different when it comes to developmental milestones. Your child may be way ahead in certain areas and then slightly behind in others. Everything will happen in time. Keeping track of the milestones to watch out for gives you an idea of where your child is at developmentally speaking and what he or she could use some help with.

You can be working closely with educators and helping your child with his or her homework. You’re also looking for other types of milestones, too. For example, did you know that children start losing baby teeth at this age? This is when your child is likely to lose a tooth so you can play tooth fairy.

Get ready for your child to start complaining more often about physical aches and pains, too. This has everything to do with a child being more in tune with his or her body. And your child is likely to grow about 2 and a half more inches this year, too. Get ready for a big year when it comes to developmental milestones!