The internet revolution. No matter how much you talk about it, there is something more to be said. The interesting part is that it unites different generations. The young, the old, and the ones that are in their prime age. No one can escape its sphere of influence and life is impossible without it. It has been a breath of fresh air it continues to bring with innovations, technology, and wonders that are making our lives convenient.
The internet has changed the way we live. There is nothing that it has not improved but communication and connection are the two fields that got the most attention. It is like the bridge that has removed gaps and is bringing people closer. Similarly, brings you the best available internet deals. This transformation has changed the way you talk, the way you express, and the manner in which we stay in touch are efficient, better and lifelike. You can be halfway across the world and see your loved ones as if they are there right next to you. You talk to them like you are together sharing the same sofa. It has brought love in our lives more than perhaps red roses. It is beautiful how it is bringing us, humans, closer and maintaining our lives like we want to. The sphere and utility of the internet are ever expanding.
The expanding horizon
It is amazing how a technological revolution can flip lives. Speaking of the internet, it has changed everything. The changes have dwelled down the most basic things we do. For example, if you want to order a pizza you no longer have to pick up the phone. The incredibly fast speeds have changed the way you entertain yourself. Cable TV is a thing of the past and streaming is something that is trending. The way to find the address or phone number has also changed. An internet connection is all you need. Tools like search engines have enabled you to type in something like spectrum internet and you will have links popping up that relate to it. You have greater choice and convenience like never before.
The best thing the internet has done for us is made communication simpler, effective, and convenient. You open a website, an app or a portal sign in and you have teleportation like technology that will take you the places in under a second. The world was once was a global village, now it is a click away.
The future
Enough with communication, the past, and the present. What is it that the internet has to offer in the future? The answer can be found in technology or utility of the internet called the internet of things. It does relate to communication again but it revolves around a machine or software communicating with another machine or software. This again has affected us is way unimaginable. It started with the simple process of controlling your air conditioners and the scope is fast expanding. Why have we not seen it in the past? The answer is simple. The speeds and other hindrances were keeping us from it. The technological improvement has to lead us to the point where it is not only humans but also the devices that we own are capable enough to communicate and one end alone. Make lives simpler and easier.
It is about time that we open ourselves to another change and brace for impact. This impact comes with a few implications that are not all necessarily bad but with the good comes evil as well.
Devices sharing Data
Internet of things or IoT is devices communicate with one another. The question is what is it that they talk about? What language do they use? The answer is simple, data. This data can be a set of commands, an email or anything that one device receives from the other. This data is not always aimed for the device but for a user as well. Based on this communication forecasts are made, decisions are taken, and impacts that matter are seen through.
Take this in the industry and applications and sensors communicate to increase efficiency and increase productivity. This communication is so effective that about 35% of manufacturers in the US are using it for their benefit. Some devices are used to ensure that the concrete and cement bond well and the details are received using two devices that communicate with one another.
This technology or trend offers us the opportunity to do things in a better way. It raises the bar for us. Less waste, greater output, and increased efficiency. It is saving us time, money, effort, and a bit of our environment as well. This technology is not only our future but may be a factor that lets our children see a better future and a healthy environment.
The good and the bad
All that we have done is let you in on the bright side. For both the internet and the IoT. That is too one-sided and here is what you need to look into, the bright side and the dark. This should give an insight as to what the technology brings to the table and what you need to be aware of.
The good
The term is self-explanatory. The thing that you need to know about automation is that it helps remove bottlenecks and makes it easier to control tasks. It creates a better flow which results in smoother operations and fewer stoppages. It establishes a process which brings transparency.
This goes hand in hand with automation. The smooth process and better alignment of tasks are always good but what does it actually do? It eliminates human intervention which results in better time utilization and the accuracy and flow help decrease other wastage. Better output with fewer resources, that’s efficiency.
Cost Savings
The advantages above point to what we are looking right now. Automation leads to smooth operations which results in efficiency. Efficiency helps cut down cost and increase productivity. This comes with twin advantages. Fewer material costs, fewer labor costs, and greater income. It is savings increased and earnings raised.
The Bad
Privacy and security
This is a big concern with IoT. More and more devices enter the IoT sphere and it makes a lot of information available. While computers and smartphones have anti-virus are ever ready for protection, others don’t have it. It makes it hard to keep the data and information safe. It may be an opportunity for hackers to exploit and leave us open to threats.
Less manpower
While automation brings a lot of benefits it also takes humans out of the process. More automation means more machines and fewer humans. This makes machine vs humans more real and unemployment of humans is real.
The Internet brings a lot of goods to the table and IoT brings a lot of ease. While this phenomenon is ever spreading and the expanding internet speeds make life easier, the over-reliance on technology and IoT can bring difficulties. We may be becoming more productive but we also risk machines replacing humans and unemployment may rise. On the bright side, IoT helps us protect the environment and hope that we may give our children a greener tomorrow.
Author BIO:
Muhammad Ahmed Waien has a keen interest in technology, digital marketing and sports. He loves to write about these topics and stay updated with emerging trends. He regularly writes for Spectrum internet and other digital platforms.