A decision regarding the future of Angels outfielder Josh Hamilton was expected before Opening Day. This offseason, news broke that Hamilton had relapsed, done cocaine, drank alcohol, and came to MLB to admit his mistake. Whether or not he’d be suspended, and how long, was up in the air over the last few weeks, but we finally have a resolution – there will not be a suspension for Hamilton, as an independent arbitrator ruled that Hamilton’s relapse did not violate his treatment program and that the Commissioner couldn’t suspend him.

I actually think this is a good thing. Hamilton wasn’t trying to cheat, he’s an addict that made a bad decision. What would suspending him do for anyone? It wouldn’t help Hamilton. It wouldn’t make baseball or the MLBPA look good. Hamilton needs help, and needs to get better – keeping him away from baseball and away from his support system with the Angels wouldn’t help him in the slightest.

The Angels also released a statement, vowing to help Hamilton get help.

Here’s hoping Hamilton gets the help he needs. I think everyone is rooting for him to stay clean.