The World Series came to a screeching halt during Game 1 as Fox Sports suffered a power outage at the exact wrong time in the middle of the opener to the Fall Classic.  So when Game 2 came around, Fox did the only thing they really could do given the circumstances – they poked fun at themselves.

MLB fans were treated to a guest appearance from Rob Lowe and Fred Savage of The Grinder on the same network with the joke being that the power went out as Buck was in the process of reading a promo for the show.  So apparently the blame for this one goes to Hairy Rob Lowe who has cable, right?

Well, Lowe and Savage tried to take that curse off of themselves and put it right back on Buck, because he gets blamed for everything else already, so why not?

I’ll give it up to Fox on this – they allow their personalities to have some fun and razz each other unlike other sports networks.  Maybe if the power goes out in Game 3 we can have Lowe and Savage on standby to step into the broadcast booth.  Talk about the ultimate cross-promotional opportunity!