Mats Zuccarello’s head injury sustained from a Ryan McDonagh slapper back in the first round of the playoffs was pretty scary, but the Rangers forward was able to skate off the ice on his own power. The shot forced him to miss the remainder of the playoffs, but it wasn’t until the Rangers were eliminated that the frightening details emerged.

Zuccarello suffered a brain contusion and a small fracture in his skull from McDonagh’s shot. The injury even prevented Zuccarello from speaking for a period of time.

That inability to speak reportedly lasted at least three days. Three days! It’s difficult to imagine what that would’ve been like to go through.

These details show this was much more serious than your typical concussion. However, though the injury sounded pretty horrific, there was apparently a small chance that Zuccarello would suit up if the Rangers made it to the Final. It’s not clear how small of a chance that might have been, but the fact it was even a possibility is simply crazy.

No major complications are expected for Zuccarello despite the contusion and fracture.

It sounds like Zuccarello was pretty lucky things didn’t turn out even worse and have a greater impact on the rest of his career.