Welcome to Week 5 of Hockey Fights of the Week! A lot of familiar names will make this week’s list, along with one which might take you by surprise – Jonathan Toews. The captain of the Blackhawks participated in his first fight since 2012-13, battling Adam Henrique.

On to the fights!

5. Andy Andreoff (LA) vs Joel Edmundson (STL) – Nov. 3rd

Andreoff is the more seasoned fighter and it shows. Edmundson never really seems to be able to get his balance and throw a strong punch while Andreoff lands a couple big uppercuts.

4. Clayton Stoner (ANA) vs Micheal Haley (SJ) – Nov. 7th

Haley is a fighter you need to take seriously, as evidenced by this fight and another which is featured later in this column. Those are some brutal punches by both Stoner and Haley, but Haley’s actually find their mark.

3. Jonathan Toews (CHI) vs Adam Henrique (NJ) – Nov. 6th

Toews is not a fighter. Remember this one against David Backes? That being said, he handled himself pretty well against another non-fighter in Henrique. Toews’ size is a big advantage and he pummels Henrique in an extremely lopsided battle.

2. Shawn Thornton (FLA) vs Micheal Haley (SJ) – Nov. 5th

Don’t you love when two fighters size each other up before throwing punches? Last year NHL officials broke up bouts if fighters didn’t immediately start punching, so it’s nice to see this one unfold.

Haley emerges as the winner (for the second time on this list), which is noteworthy considering Thornton had a great hold on his opponent during the early stages.

1. Nick Foligno (CBJ) vs Kyle Clifford (LA) – Nov. 5th

This fight isn’t too long, but it’s awesome. Right off the bat, there’s a great stare down before Foligno drops Clifford with one crunching punch. If you’re a fan of the “one punch and that’s all she wrote” type of fight, this scrap is right up your alley.

Previous Installments

Week 4
Week 3

Week 2
Week 1

A big “thank you” to HockeyFights.com for making this column possible.