When news broke that a sequel to Dumb and Dumber was being filmed, hockey fans questioned whether Boston Bruins President Cam Neely would reprise his role as Sea Bass. Arguably the most popular character in Dumb and Dumber outside of Harry and Lloyd, Neely’s Sea Bass has a huge following. As time wore on, a Sea Bass cameo in the sequel looked doubtful due to Neely’s schedule and the difficult of working Sea Bass back into the story. However, fan surveys at pre-screenings may have saved the day.

As seen on TSN.ca, Sea Bass is expected to make a return in Dumb and Dumber To.

“The last I heard (Sea Bass) was still in it. Originally, Sea Bass wasn’t going to be in the sequel. I think they were kind of unsure how to get the 2014 version of Sea Bass into it. I think maybe they felt it was too contrived. They were doing question and answer stuff at pre-screenings and the question a lot of people were asking was, ‘Where’s Sea Bass?’ After that, they figured a way to get Sea Bass in there.”

In case you’re in the dark on who Sea Bass is (shame on you if you are – where were you in the ’90s?), here’s the infamous clip with Neely. No word on whether his hat will make a cameo too.

Here’s to hoping Dumb and Dumber To isn’t another failed sequel and that Neely once again steals the show as Sea Bass.