The NHL’s salary cap may not rise for the 2015-16 season. This comes from a report seen in the New York Post which states that the salary cap may remain around the $69 million mark and a major increase won’t be coming. The report may come as a surprise considering most outlets and analysts originally predicted the cap would rise to an amount near $75 million as early as next year.

Why is it now believed that the cap won’t rise? There’s a couple of answers. Here are the reasons the New York Post outlines:

The projected decline in the Canadian dollar — up at least temporarily a tick to 88 cents on the U.S. dollar as of Friday — has had an impact on discussions regarding extensions in at least three cases, front office sources have told The Post.

Further anecdotal evidence suggests these are not isolated instances.

Given the fixation of escrow under which the players currently are having 14 percent of their pay withheld, it certainly is a realistic possibility the NHLPA will not exercise a 5-percent escalator for 2015-16.

This is an interesting report, but take it for what it’s worth. It’s educated speculation. The NHL has a lot of time to decide on what they want to do in 2015-16. A lot could change between now and when the final cap number is released.

If this report pans out, there’s going to be some teams in some very awkward situations. Clubs who were waiting for the cap to rise in order to extend players or give their youngsters raises are going to be scrambling. Teams who are currently flirting with the cap limit may have to make some serious changes should the cap remain where it is for 2015-16.