This installment of Hockey Fights of the Week features plenty of familiar names. If you’ve followed this series over the last couple of seasons, there’s a group of guys you expect to find in our rankings. Rinaldo, Roussel, Glass and McLeod are just a few of the names we’ve featured prominently over the last couple years and they all make an appearance below.

5. Mark Borowiecki (OTT) vs Brandon Bollig (CGY) – Nov. 15th

We could have ranked this fight a lot higher. Bollig is scary in this one and punishes Borowiecki following a big hit on Lance Bouma. Borowiecki is more than willing to toss his gloves, but he probably regretted it as soon as Bollig’s punches (and there were a lot of them) started finding their mark.

4. Cody McLeod (COL) vs Tanner Glass (NYR) – Nov. 13th

This fight is a draw which is rather fitting considering that Glass and McLeod have been prominent names in this column over the last two years. It’s a battle of Hockey Fights of the Week regulars and they put on nearly identical performances.

3. Matt Fraser (BOS) vs Nathan Beaulieu (MON) – Nov. 13th

This is a quick one, but we’re suckers for a big KO. And for the excuse to use a “Down goes Fraser!” joke. Sorry.

2. Zac Rinaldo (PHI) vs Brandon Prust (MON) – Nov. 15th

You don’t see Rinaldo beaten too often, but Prust dishes out a bruising. Rinaldo went for a huge left, missed, and then was forced to play defense while Prust delivered blow after blow.

1. Antoine Roussel (DAL) vs Andrew Shaw (CHI) – Nov. 16th

Shaw appears to have an early disadvantage seeing as Roussel is wearing a shield, but that notion is thrown out in a hurry. Shaw combines uppercuts and overhand punches in an impressive display.

Previous Installments:

November 3rd – November 9th

October 27th – November 2nd

October 20th – October 26th

October 8th – October 19th

Best Fights from 2013-14

A big “Thank you” to Hockey Fights, our #1 resource for hockey fight videos.