It’s pretty common knowledge that you can’t hit an NHL goaltender. Accidental collisions happen, but it’s pretty rare to see a player check a goaltender against the boards. Remarkably, that’s exactly what Brandon Prust did to Ben Bishop when the Canadiens faced the Lightning.

Bishop went behind his net to fetch the puck and Prust crunched him into the boards and glass. Prust opted to take the body over playing the puck and that decision was met by some angry Lightning skaters. Prust immediately dropped his gloves as soon as he turned around to face the swarm of angry Tampa Bay skaters.

You can count on the NHL reviewing this incident. Accidental collisions will happen behind the goal when the goaltender ventures out to play the puck, but Prust’s hit looked pretty deliberate. He skated in a straight line and didn’t appear to slow up even when it was obvious Bishop’s back was turned.

Prust and Bishop have a colorful history with one another. You might remember the “playful” poke to the junk Prust gave Bishop during the playoffs last season (as seen in the video above) which resulted in the two exchanging punches. Clearly the two players aren’t too fond of one another, but this latest move by Prust crosses the line and should result in NHL discipline.