In an effort to improve their video replay and goal review system, the NHL is experimenting with new cameras which would sit inside the goal posts. As things currently stand, goal reviews are fairly limited as the league is confined to views from above and from inside the net. However, most close decisions require a closer look of what’s actually happening on the goal line.

The NHL is currently experimenting with the placement of cameras inside the goal posts and assuming things go well, they hope to have them in place around the NHL this year.

Senior VP of Hockey Operations Mike Murphy spoke with the New York Post:

“We are testing and experimenting with ‘in-post’ cameras and would like to introduce them when we are comfortable that they are completely functional and workable. We are not there yet. When we feel we have it right we will start to put them in nets throughout the league.”

Cameras are being tested approximately halfway between the ice level and the top of the net, but the league is testing out a wide range of distances to see which is the most effective.

Will cameras inside the goal post help on the close decisions? You have to imagine they will, but their use – just like all of the cameras the league uses – will be limited. The most questionable calls always seem to involve plays in which the goaltender has fallen backwards and is laying on the puck. Cameras inside the post may help, but they too won’t be able to see much on this type of play.

Give credit to the NHL for trying to improve their replay system, but you also have to question when the league will find a better method. A tracking chip might be the answer, but concerns have been expressed over it changing how the puck handles and behaves out on the ice. If the tracking chip used in the upcoming All-Star Game goes well, maybe that kind of technology isn’t too far off.