You may recall not too long ago that Dalton Prout delivered a brutal blow with his right hand to the head of Milan Lucic. The incident was one that got the hockey world buzzing as it’s not often you see Lucic picking himself up off the ice after only one punch. Lucic wasn’t too happy with the incident, but it sounds like the officials were.

Here’s the incident in case you missed it:

The Province reports that Prout received plenty of complements for his punch, including some from the officials before his next game.

“The refs never come over to talk to me. I don’t wear a letter. But before the game, a ref came up to me and said ‘Good job, last night.’ That’s the first time I’ve ever talked with an official other than arguing about a call. Later, the shorter ref came up and said ‘Nice right hand.'”

The punch was pretty impressive, but the real story here is that even the officials enjoyed watching Lucic hit the ice. Prout has received praise from other opposing fans as well, proving that Lucic is a villain in the eyes of almost every fan – and maybe official – in the NHL.