Welcome to the sixth installment of Hockey Fights of the Week for the 2015-16 season! We had some trouble picking out a winner this week as there were two fights which could easily qualify for the top spot. Did the Kreider-Smith scrap or the Latta-White fight claim the first position?

Read on to find out.

5. Luke Gazdic (EDM) vs Patrick Maroon (ANA) – Nov. 11th

This could have been a really special fight, but both skaters sputtered out after a ridiculous number of shoulder punches. We’ll call this one a draw with the hopes that both Gazdic and Maroon will battle again in the future.

4. Adam Lowry (WPG) vs Colton Sissons (NSH) – Nov. 14th

In a night in which seemingly every skater spent time in the penalty box, there’s no surprise a fight between the Predators and Jets made the list. A questionable/dirty hit kicked this one off and Lowry was able to air his grievances after watching his side fall behind by five.

3. Brandon Bollig (CGY) vs Tom Wilson (WAS) – Nov. 13th

A wrestling match quickly transitioned into an ugly brawl where Bollig pummeled a mostly helpless Wilson. Both men have plenty of fighting experience on their resume, but you may not know it based on Wilson’s punch-less effort.

2. Chris Kreider (NYR) vs Zack Smith (OTT) – Nov. 14th

In a different week, this fight could have topped the list. Kreider is a monster, landing a flurry of quick punches right off the bat. Smith attempts to recover, but this is a lopsided win for the Rangers forward.

1. Michael Latta (WAS) vs Ryan White (PHI) – Nov. 12th

It’s surprising the officials let this fight continue after White gets tangled up inside his own sweater, but it’s a great thing they did. Both players tossed some absolute bombs and while Latta was the victor, White certainly held his own.

Also, you know how much we love when equipment goes flying during a fight and this one delivered. Now, if only that fan didn’t block the camera…

Previous Installments

Week 5
Week 4

Week 3

Week 2
Week 1

A big “thank you” to HockeyFights.com for making this column possible.