Coyotes 5 – Sharks 3 and Rob Ford on the HHOF Board of Directors.

Sharks all but eliminated….

Well now I’m mad, and not just because the Sharks lost to the 29th. place team in the league. Not just because the game was a must win. The reason I’m mad is because my frozen heart started to warm over to the idea that maybe, just maybe this team could take advantage of a super soft schedule and leave it up to the other teams. Silver lining we might still be in a position to take the Kings with us into the abyss. Tonight’s game was just another loss in a long series of losses to bad teams. I’m not going to go heavy into the game itself because all that matters was the win and the Sharks failed to do so. They let a team that hadn’t won a game in regulation since Feb 3rd. to put the final nail into their coffin that admittedly was a process started in February. Niemi had an awful night, the penalty kill was crap and even on a sharks power play where they scored the Coyotes seemed to have had their chances.

So where does this leave the Sharks? The Sharks now can only get to 93 Points and 38 Row.

The Flames won their game tonight and are now uncatchable by the Sharks with 93 Points and 39 Row.

Los Angeles Kings currently sit at 92 points, 37 Row they will mathematically eliminate the Sharks by gaining 2 points in their final 4 games.

The Winnipeg Jets currently sit at 92 points, 35 Row they will also mathematically eliminate the Sharks by gaining 2 points in their final 4 games.

Rob Ford named to Hockey Hall of Fame Board of Directors.

So the hockey world was set a buzz by the appointment of former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to the board of directors. Personally I don’t like the idea that a guy who has been such a magnet for self inflicted controversy being associated with the house of hockey history. So how does this happen? Kelly Masse (@KellyHockeyHall) who is the Director of Corporate and Media Relations for the Hockey Hall of Fame tweeted out the following.

“Regarding Rob Ford on HHOF Board… HHOF does not decide who is nominated and elected by the City of Toronto to the HHOF Board. Under HHOF’s Articles of Incorporation, the City has the right to nominate and elect up to 3 individuals to the eighteen member Board.”

It is important to note that this position does not allow Rob Ford to have any say in the selection process in the Hall of Fame.

About Ian Reid

Ian is a day one Sharks fan from the great white north who loves hockey at all levels. Prior to writing for RSEN he has started out with a small blogspot blog that covered the San Jose Sharks. Now aside from being the Lead Hockey Analyst for RSEN he also is a co-host of the Teal Tinted Glasses Hockey Podcast which records weekly and can be found on iTunes or at You can contact Ian by e-mail at: You can follow Ian on Twitter: @IanBlogsSharks
