Mets players stonewall media after Terry Collins doesn’t play them in All-Star Game

Despite having Terry Collins as manager of the NL team, the New York Mets were the only NL team to not have someone appear in the All-Star game.

The Mets skipper told Fox before the game that he wanted to get at least one player from every NL team in the game, but he failed only with his own. Jeurys Familia and Bartolo Colon were available to pitch, but Collins planned to only use Familia in a save situation and Colon as an emergency pitcher in extra innings.

Both Mets pitchers declined to comment after the game. A Mets spokesperson said Familia didn’t want to talk because he didn’t appear in the game. After the New York Post told Collins what had happened, he twice talked to Familia, and the first-time All-Star finally agreed to speak with the media after every player in the clubhouse had left.

“No, I wasn’t disappointed I couldn’t pitch,” Familia said. “He told me before the game if there was a save situation in the ninth, I would pitch.”

Collins used nine pitchers Tuesday night, one less than AL manager Ned Yost. The AL won the game 4-2 to capture home-field advantage in the World Series.

About Marcelo Villa

Marcelo is an associate editor at The Sports Daily, and has covered the San Diego Chargers for Bleacher Report. He also writes for Sportsdirect Inc.
