Broncos veterans give rookies hilarious haircuts

The Denver Broncos veterans are notorious for giving rookies wild haircuts in training camp. Remember the friar tuck-look Tim Tebow got his rookie year? That’s nothing compared to some of this year’s styles.

One player actually got a rat shaved into his head complete with a tail.

First-round pick Paxton Lynch got something that resembled Charlie Sheen’s hair in the movie “Major League.” Let’s call that one the “Wild Thing.”

And of course they brought back the “Friar Tebow” haircut.

Broncos defensive end DeMarcus Ware shared a video of the team going out for bowling with all the glorious rookie haircuts.

The Broncos sure know how to have fun with their rookies.

About Marcelo Villa

Marcelo is an associate editor at The Sports Daily, and has covered the San Diego Chargers for Bleacher Report. He also writes for Sportsdirect Inc.
