Greg Hardy claims cocaine in his wallet that caused arrest isn’t his

Former NFL defensive end Greg Hardy got arrested Sunday after police found cocaine in his wallet.

Hardy says it isn’t his.

Apparently Hardy got pulled over for not using a turn signal and consented to a search. Then the story gets interesting, per PFT’s Michael David Smith:

The police report says that Hardy told the officer that he didn’t know what the substance was. Hardy said that the night before, he had passed his wallet around a party because he was paying for everyone, and someone must have put the cocaine in his wallet at the time.

The result leaves more questions than answers. Why did Hardy consent to a search if he had cocaine on his person? What made officers want to search? Who slips cocaine into someone’s wallet as a thank you for buying dinner?

Alas, Hardy running into trouble isn’t a shocker. He missed most of 2014 after the Carolina Panthers suspended him during a domestic violence accusation. He then joined the Dallas Cowboys and  while productive on the field, was a distraction on the sidelines, often clashing with coaches and other players before not being brought back.

Hardy has gone without a job this season after last year’s showing in Dallas and this arrest won’t help matters.

About Chris Roling

Chris is an Ohio University E.W. Scripps School of Journalism graduate and associate editor here at TSD. He also covers breaking news and the NFL at Bleacher Report and resides in Athens (OH) with his wife and two dogs.
